
Questões por página:
Choose the CORRECT answer.
“That bird has broken _________ wing.”

Complete the sentences below with the appropriate word and choose the best alternative:

“Josh is the boy ______ I met on the party.

She likes pizzas ______ are hot.

These are the old couple _______ house was on fire”.

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" ___ American?" Complete lhe space with lhe correct form of lhe verb and the pronoun.
Complete the sentence below using the appropriate pronoun:
“Sometimes, you want a search engine to find pages that have one word on _______ but not another word”.

Read the article below and choose the correct option to complete it:

New York needs

a new stadium

The Giants may move to New Jersey and take all 1. ____ money with 2. ____. This is not going to be good for 3. ____.

Nobody in New York likes the Giant stadium. “ 4. ____´s too hard to see the field.” Says Al Shapiro. The stadium could fall any minute!

From: www.tv411org/reading